Convention Special - Reduced membership fee until end of August
Young Physician
75 USD
Practicing physician (as an attending physician) within 10 Years of completing residency or fellowship in the USA or 45 years whichever comes first
Allied Health
75 USD
Dentist, Doctorates (PhD’s) in science, scientists & research fellows in medical fields, pharmacists, physical and occupational therapists, nurses, and other unspecified healthcare related professionals
Medical Student
Medical students and medical scholars (those who already completed the medical school in India and trying to get residency here)
100 USD
Full or part time practicing physician: Full members must be physicians of Tamil origin, graduated from any WHO approved medical schools, or physicians of non Tamil origin graduated from the medical colleges of Tamilnadu, India.
Retired Physician
50 USD
Fully retired from medical practice or teaching position or retired from any business activity